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Cross-compiling aya-based programs

The instructions below show how to cross compile aya eBPF programs on Macs. Cross compiling on other systems is possible too and we're going to add instructions to do that soon (PRs welcome!).

Cross-compiling aya-based programs on Mac

Cross compilation should work on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

  1. Install rustup following the instructions on
  2. Install the stable and nightly rust toolchains:
    rustup install stable
    rustup toolchain install nightly --component rust-src
  3. Install the rustup target for your Linux target platform:
    rustup target add ${ARCH}-unknown-linux-musl
  4. Install LLVM with brew:

    brew install llvm

  5. Install the musl cross compiler:
    to cross-compile for only x86_64 targets (the default in musl-cross):

    brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
    to cross-compile for only aarch64 targets:
    brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross --without-x86_64 --with-aarch64
    to cross-compile for both x86_64 and aarch64 targets:
    brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross --with-aarch64
    See homebrew-musl-cross for additional platform-specific options.

  6. Install bpf-linker. Change the version number in LLVM_SYS_<version>_PREFIX to correspond to the major version of the llvm-sys crate:

LLVM_SYS_170_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix llvm) cargo install bpf-linker --no-default-features
1. Build BPF object files:
cargo xtask build-ebpf --release
1. Build the userspace code:
RUSTFLAGS="-Clinker=${ARCH}-linux-musl-ld" cargo build --release --target=${ARCH}-unknown-linux-musl
The cross-compiled program
can be copied to a Linux server or VM and run there.